Saturday, February 11, 2012

Guts and Lawsuits

Your right half of your gut feels like it's been coated with metallic spray paint.  You're not worrying about it though, at least not too much.  What are you worrying about?  Well, it's getting late again and you still have work to do on Enrod The Clockman.  At least you don't have to work the day-job tomorrow or Monday.  Time to focus on those things, though plans for social interaction have been made for this evening.  Birthday parties abound.  So many dang Aquariuses in this town.

You picked up volume 2 of Biomega today. Visually and narratively inspiring like all of Tsutomu Nihei's work. You would like to have it in a bigger hardcover format, though you know you can't afford it.  If you were to nitpick about the work ( well you're going to ), there were some moments of exposition that came off as unrealistic for you, which you find to be typical in most manga and anime. Why would a grunt explain to his superior the newest protocol?  Wouldn't the superior already be aware of the latest protocols?  Disrupted the reading experience like a skip on a record or cd.

In the news of American comics, one of your favorite illustartors, Tony Moore, is suing one of your favorite writers, Robert Kirkman, over obligations regarding the work he did on the first 6 issues of The Walking Dead, which you've been collecting since issue one was first printed.   Moore is accusing Kirkman of defrauding him. 

Something more chilling is the court ruling with the Gary Friedrich case, a man who attempted to sue Marvel for additional rights as the co-creator of Ghost Rider, despite it being work-for-hire, only to have it backfire and have the court award Marvel with 17,000 dollars from Friedrich for selling his own Ghost Rider merch at cons without their permission.  This concerns you because of the speculation that this could put an end to the "gentleman's" agreement where Marvel and DC don't sue artists for selling sketches and commissions of Marvel and DC characters, the bread and butter of  comic and anime convention artists.  It's how you pay for your booths and other expenses when at a con promoting ETC.

You might discuss this some more later, but it's time to go.

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