Friday, February 4, 2011

Random Order

The day was lame; it's not worth getting into, other than it was cold as shit.

This evening, on the other hand, was nice. You interacted with multiple individuals of similar political-economic views ( though with enough differences for some healthy debate and discussion to come about ), some of which you hadn't quite met, others you've known and profited from the opportunity to get to know further. Social bonding is essential for any society; you believe this is obvious to most people, but for yourself it's only been apparent in the past couple years. You've really had little use for socializing through out most of your life, at least not for it's own sake. A lot of times that's still the case, but recently you have started to see the value in it. Of course, that value isn't for the sake of socializing, it's for the sake of unwinding.

It can be argued that it's unhealthy to only be around people who share your view of the world; to which you reply: "and how often am I around people like that?" The value in associating with more individuals of your own worldview is the greater level of trust you're able to allow in doing so; there's a greater sense of security which, at the very least, enables you to feel a little more relaxed in those circumstances.


  1. I feel like I'm intruding on a private conversation here ;-) but... it is good to be around people with a similar worldview. Not having that camaraderie can't be healthy. There's also value in interacting with people who have different or opposing views as well.

    Not the same thing, since I'm talking music, but I spent nearly 15 years enjoying noise and experimental music by myself. I had no friends into it, didn't go to shows. Kind of felt like a real freak to be honest. It helps to know other humans out there that have similar tastes and, in the case of politics, can mold and strengthen your own views.

    Just some thoughts. Enjoying your blog now that I've started reading it.

  2. I agree.

    Also, I think the psychological mechanism that is involved in feeling alien for enjoying a style of music is the same as with what might occur with holding a particular political-economic view.

    Interesting coincidence for you to comment, since earlier there was a discussion about the woman in Spain who laid ownership claim to the Sun and demanded royalty payments for its usage. Curious to know what the locals might think of that.

    Thank you for the encouragement Kevin.
